ACELS (a service of QQI for English Language Education)
ACELS(英语语言服务认证与协调)于 1969 年在爱尔兰继续教育和高等教育、研究、创新和科学部的支持下成立,旨在通过检查/认可来控制英语语言教学学校和组织的标准 方案。
DCAS 获得了 ACELS(爱尔兰质量和资格服务机构)英语语言教育 (ELE) 的认可。
ILEP 是爱尔兰学生移民许可合格项目清单,由司法和平等部管理,教育和技能部发挥咨询作用。 DCAS 获得 ILEP 批准(提供商编号:0166)
Eaquals is an international membership association that promotes excellence in language education across the world. Eaquals members - organisations and institutions involved in the teaching and learning of all languages - pursue the highest standards.
Eaquals is a recognised authority in accreditation and quality assurance; they administer their own accreditation scheme and design schemes for others. Eaquals is also known for their expertise in training and standardisation, and for helping to build capacity at local level. They are experts in the theories behind the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and how language centres can apply the Framework in day-to-day practice.
Eaquals Charters and Guarantees:
Eaquals General Charter | Eaquals Information Charter
Eaquals Staff Charter | Eaquals Charter for Course Participants
The Eaquals Guarantee for Language Centres
Eaquals Guarantee to Staff | Eaquals Guarantee for Students
DCAS is accredited by Eaquals
Trinity College London
Trinity College London, established in 1872, is a leading international awarding organisation, publisher and independent education charity. Trinity specialises in the assessment of communicative and performance skills covering music, drama, combined arts and English language.
With over 850,000 candidates a year in more than 60 countries worldwide, Trinity qualifications are specifically designed to help students progress. Trinity's aim is to inspire teachers and learners through the creation of assessments that are enjoyable to prepare for, rewarding to teach and that develop the skills needed in real life.
DCAS is a Registered Exam Centre (73139) for Trinity College London. DCAS prepares students for Integrated Skills in English (ISE) Qualifications and for the Trinity Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL).
爱尔兰的教育使我们的国家成为继续教育的绝佳目的地。 爱尔兰在高质量教育方面的长期声誉建立在追求卓越的坚实基础之上。
今天,我们拥有世界上最好的教育体系之一,并在学术质量方面享有国际声誉。 爱尔兰在世界最安全国家中排名第 12 位(2020 年全球和平指数)。
根据《孤独星球》的数据,都柏林在 2019 年全球最友好城市中排名第五。
国际英语语言测试(雅思)旨在帮助您工作、学习或移民到以英语为母语的国家。 这包括澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、英国、爱尔兰和美国等国家。
DCAS 提供雅思考试准备课程,学校可以为学生在都柏林注册雅思考试。
ELT Ireland
ELT Ireland 是一个由参与英语语言教学各个方面的专业人士组成的网络,通过分享知识和经验来促进学习、发展和最佳实践。
DCAS 是爱尔兰 ELT 成员组织。
学习者保护,有时称为注册学习者保护 (PEL) 或学习者保护,在学校或学院关闭(不太可能发生)的情况下保护学生的课程费用。
DCAS 通过 Academy Plus 提供学习者保护计划,该计划也可以在学校不太可能关闭的情况下保护我们的教师。 该 PEL 包含在 DCAS 的所有学习签证课程中。
DCAS 提供英语语言课程,并授予与 CEFR(欧洲共同语言参考框架)正式校准的奖项。
CEFR 是描述语言能力的国际标准。 它以六分制来描述这种能力,从针对初学者的 A1,到针对掌握语言的人的 C2。
DCAS 为没有英语基础的学生(Pre-A1 级别)到高级英语语言学生(C1 级别)提供课程。